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Júlio César stands on the ledge of a 20-story building poised to jump when he's suddenly joined by a mysterious, disheveled stranger, a "dreamseller," whose mission is to convince people to love life. A philosophical dialogue follows as the stranger talks Julio down from the ledge and invites him to become a dreamseller. At first Júlio views the journey as a "sociological experiment," but he soon begins to believe. Others join, and the "band of misfits" under the tutelage of the dreamseller visit sites as diverse as a retirement home and a funeral, delivering a lesson each place. The dreamseller points out the madness in modern society and invites others to embrace his ideals. As his influence grows, detractors emerge, but he has an answer for everyone, until Megasoft, the corporate monolith and a favorite target of the dreamseller, forces him into a corner.


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